Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Pleasure Product Review: Svakom Hannes Neo

The kind folks at Svakom came to the sex shop I work at for a tutorial and as a gift allowed members of the staff to pick an item. Of their products marketed for people with a penis and a prostate, I already have toys that I am quite happy with. However, there was one product that did pique my curiosity.

It was the Hannes Neo.

Why did it pique my curiosity so? It was the throbbing motion. I first imagined how it feels when my penis is inside an anus or a vagina, the clenching that comes with the person nearing or having an orgasm. Then I imagined feeling that clenching on some variation of a repeat. That last part is what sold me.

Once I got it, I charged it at work so once I got it home, I would not have to delay in playing with it.

So did it do as I had hoped? In that regards, it did give the pleasure of a partner repeatedly throbbing from an orgasm. And the varying patterns (indicated by the button changing colors) made it feel like those throbs were not steady. However, that was only on the initial intensity setting. Once you intensify it, it goes back to its original pattern when you first turned on the device. This happens whether you do it manually or by using the Svakom app. Not having those other patterns able to grow in intensity is about the only drawback I felt with the Hannes Neo.

Another feature of the Hannes Neo is its ability to be used with the FeelConnect app. I used the app to sync it with porn. The Hannes Neo was not necessarily throbbing in sync with any videos, but the stroking did. For that, I very much enjoyed using it with FeelConnect.   

Many believe that the Hannes Neo is hands-free. Perhaps it is for some, but not for me. It is because the thrust of the Hannes Neo makes me have to go deeper into it so I can experience all of the textures of the sleeve. For this reason, my saying that the Hannes Neo is not hands-free for me is not at all a complaint. Because personally, grinding into my electronic strokers further intensifies my getting off.

I have often said that I have moments where my thought process is very much in sync with what is said to be a male way of thinking while in other ways I am in common with a way of thinking thought to be common with that of a female. In the case of playing with the Hannes Neo, I went to being the typical male. Because I did not so much as open the instruction manual. Don't get me wrong. The instructions for the Hannes Neo are not at all difficult to figure out without reading the manual. However, it is a smarter move to read them on any product so you know from the jump that you are not mishandling your sex toy in any way. For your own safety and to make a proper claim within your sex toy's warranty.

With that said, know that the sleeve of the Hannes Neo is made of TPE. And it works best with a water-based lube. If you want some lube recommendations, considering how long ago the article was written, a good start would be my lube recommendations that I wrote in an article for Thotyssey.

As for cleaning, while you can easily use any body-safe soap, for porous materials, I recommend an actual anti-bacterial toy cleaner for that added protection. 

Also, the Hannes Neo is not waterproof. Therefore, after cleaning the sleeve, make sure the sleeve is completely dry inside and especially outside before placing it back into the Hannes Neo's receptacle. Otherwise, the moisture could cause the product to short circuit. An error that will void your product's warranty.

So to summarize, I very much liked the Hannes Neo. If you want a motorized masturbation sleeve with an extra feature, such as throbbing and interactive capabilities,  then I definitely recommend the Hannes Neo

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